Stories related to violence

Perfect Symmetry

Frank’s time came at autumnal equinox. Awoken at sunrise by the hand of a beautiful woman; killed at sunset by the hand of his wife.

Tour of Duty

She sat in the dark, bat in hand while two younger sisters slept. The bedroom door creaked open; the bat splintered their big brother’s toe.

Pablo’s Shoes

Pablo lost his only pair of shoes in a fight. His mother would never understand. He limped home, looking for flowers along the way.

Bitter Rivals

All I had to do was grab the outstretched fingers. He begged me to help. I smiled and walked slowly away. I knew she would soon forget him.

Last Snack

The fragrance of almonds pervaded the kitchen. The last flavor he’d taste, she thought. Smiling, she carried the cookies up to the bedroom.

Where They Met

The earthquake threw and trapped them face to face under beams for two days, where they studied each other’s eyes and lips for a lifetime.