Stories related to affairs

The Love Boat

I thought he meant it — “Come visit,” he said. Never fall in love on a cruise ship! Where is there to shop in Hungary anyway? His wife may know.

Existential Battle

When he realised he wouldn’t be first – too far behind – he desperately turned right, hoping for an egg overlooked by the other spermatozoa.

Life in a Moment

Our eyes meet. I see passion, pitter-pattering feet, and greying hair. You get off the bus anyway. Third time I’ve fallen for you this week.


My windows are boarded, my doors locked. Sheltered in darkness from your love. Better to be hidden than looking over my shoulder.

Buyer’s Remorse

He noticed the bridesmaid’s cleavage, her legs. Pondering if he’d have a chance with her, he looked up as his bride started down the aisle.

O Diabo

Step. Every eager face swivelled around. Step. He approached the alpha female and spoke. No direct eye contact. “Do you fancy a dance?”